
Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Nick Berg 

Terrible story here

It raises some questions though: His family rushed to file a lawsuit against the US Military in Fed. Court on April 5. He is released on April 6. He then is "missing" and "out of touch with anyone on April 9, through today, but the family makes no efforts to do anything during the entire month?

Clearly, the US authorities knew about this guy, how did we not hear about him being held hostage, or as a POW?

I imagine will be hearing more from the Berg family.

From Sullivan:
"Let's start an internet campaign to insist that the major media - including the New Yorker, the networks, the major newsweeklies, and every major paper - run a picture of Zarqawi holding up Nick Berg's severed head. It's time to release the Pearl video and stills too. Enough with the double standards. The media were absolutely right to show the abuse photos. But they are only part of the story. It's about time the media gave us all of it, however harrowing it is."

I haven't seen the Berg video, but I have seen the Pearl video. It is as horrible as can be imagined. I think this Iraq war was an incompetently planned distraction from the War on Terror, but NOW, to an extent, they are one in the same. The average American (and Westerner)does need to know who we are up against. I do see Sully's point. There's an excerpt in Charlie Wilson's War, where it is said that during the Soviet-Afghan War, Soviet soldiers always carried an extra bullet with them-to use on themselves, if they were ever caught by the mujihadeen. Because if they were caught, there fate would be much worse than a bullet...

Update: Before the Iraq war, the Bush administration passed up several chances to get Zarqawi (the culprit behind this latest murder), because if they destroyed his terrorist camp in Northern Iraq, it would've undercut their justification for going to war!

Something about Zarqawi doesn't seem right to me. He could very well be responsible for much of the violence over there, but it's so easy to find a scapegoat.


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