
Monday, March 07, 2005

Spy vs Spy 

There was an interesting piece in the Washington *cough* *cough* Times yesterday regarding Washington's new plans to target foreign spy services before they attack us. It cited a few examples of what we are up against, most notably this one:
Barry Royden, a veteran CIA official, said Russian intelligence services are targeting U.S. troops in the Middle East for recruitment as agents, as well as seeking recruits among Americans in Russia.
Russian intelligence officers are using "very aggressive actions and operations," including blackmail, extortion and entrapment "to try to get people to commit espionage," Mr. Royden said.

He also said the Russians are conducting "very aggressive operations against our troops in the Middle East." He did not elaborate.
"We get continued reporting about very aggressive actions and operations against Americans of all types and stripes" in Russia and other parts of the world, Mr. Royden said

I wish Mr. Royden elaborated a little more on the details how the Russians are recruiting our soliders, and if any have turned on us.


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